Wednesday, April 18, 2012

T. E. Story #25

After our meeting in the Hotel, I immediately headed out to see what
I could round up.  I am very unsure about the explosives part of it.
You hadn't mentioned the need for these??  That will require a double
bottom wagon as anything handing under a wagon always draws attention,
and changes the ground clearance which becomes a problem crossing
rivers, and streams if we are required to circle around or by pass
certain areas. I'm guessing that this will happen more often than not.
Based upon your request I will do the best I can.  Mornings coming,
and I have got my bearings.  I have already shifted into comfortable
working clothes, and off to the important choirs at hand.  After
locating the Marshals office to better get acquainted with the area,
and wasting time.  I was greeted with open arms.  First is a place to
call the center of your operations.  Based on their input I borrowed a
horse, and headed out of town to a small place which should fill the
bill.  Upon arriving I was pleased with what I found.  A small working
farm with a stream running thru it.  Just large enough for a small
boat could pass thru it into the Potomac.  I dismounted, and walking
up to the house a middle aged lady came out, and greeted me with a
smile, and a hand shake.  After introducing myself she invited me
inside, served me some tea, and went to get her husband. Goodness it
can't be so!!  There stood Hugh Smith.  We had served in the 1st Vt.
Cavalry together.  Shortly after the Mex War started he was wounded,
and sent off for medical treatment, and never returned.  I can't
believe my eyes, and neither could he.  His wife settled us down at
the table, and served us up a great breakfast.

After stuffing ourselves we went out on the front porch, and got
reacquainted.  After awhile we strolled around for awhile, and he
showed me the place.  It seems as if he was also a Deputy Marshall for
awhile until his old injuries kept him from it.  He said that he was
worried that they might lose the place, and than what would he, and
his wife do.  I suggested that we take a ride, and look the farm over.
Nearly 159 acres of it.  It was easy to see that it was more than we
could ever imagined.  Both heavily wooded, and open pasture.  The
stream flowed entirely thru the woods.  Several out buildings some
hidden in undergrowth, etc.  There were cows, pigs, chickens, etc, and
a nice house garden, and in the pasture out of sight were several
horses, and an interesting wagon.  Near the barn he had a blacksmith
shop, and tool shed.  By this time the sun was starting to set, and
his wife came out, and rang the supper bell.  Yes,  Heaven is Sarah's

After supper I made the suggestion that I would like to have a talk
with them, in complete privacy.  We retired to another smaller room
upstairs, and Hugh lighted a small candle as this was a windowless
chamber.  I laid my cards on the table, and told them what I had in
mind  to the extent that I thought prudent.  There was some quiet
give, and take , until they were satisfied with my proposal.  It would
give them a purpose, and income to keep their farm.  In return we had
use of place for our needs.  Hugh could provide the horses, and tack
as needed.  They wished to sleep on this, and give me their answer in
the morning.  Tomorrow we are going to look at the wagon, and see if
it will meet your requirements.  If not could we rig it up to work.
With lots for each of us to think about Sarah fixed a bed roll for me,
and I headed to the barn for a goods nights sleep.  Finally a decent
place to rest my mind, and body.  Tomorrow should be my first day of
this new adventure.  I will keep you updated.

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